qgrad: An autodifferentiation framework for quantum physics routines
This is the last post in a series of posts I have been puttting up
for my Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2020 project. This post shall
serve as a “Getting Started” guide to qgrad
, in that it will walk
you through all the major features of qgrad and how they can be possibly
used. But before that, here are two quick links in case you
want to take a nose-dive and explore yourself
Project GitHub: https://github.com/qgrad/qgrad
Documentation: https://qgrad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#
In essence, qgrad is a package that makes autodifferentiation of quantum functions easier. Here “quantum function” means any routine that involves quantum physics operators and/or quantum states. Differentiation of such quantum functions is extremely useful in quantum machine learning, quantum control, and the like. You may have any quantum function whose derivative you might want to evaluate, you can construct your favorite quantum routine using the functions we provide as part of our API. All the functions in our API are autodiff compatible, which is to say that you can simply take gradients of your function
from jax import grad
# Define your function
def qfunc():
gradient = grad(qfunc)
Often times, one can simply use fidelity as the cost function in tasks like quantum state preparation, this basic qubit rotation tutorial shows how qgrad helps with moving from an initial state to a target state using gradient-based optimization.
With qgrad, you can differentiate commonly used quantum physics and quantum optics operators like the displacement operator, the squeeze operator, etc. In the SNAP Gates tutorial I show how qgrad can be used to differentiate a cost function involving SNAP gates and the displacement operator.
In addition, qgrad also supports hamiltonian learning type
tasks. One can
parametrize an arbitrary $N$-dimensional
unitary using the Unitary
with $N^2$ parameters as follows
from jax.random import PRNGKey, uniform
from qgrad.qgrad_qutip import Unitary
N = 10 # Dimension of the unitary
params = uniform(PRNGKey(0), (N**2, ),
minval=0.0, maxval=2 * jnp.pi)
thetas = params[:N * (N-1) // 2]
phis = params[N * (N - 1) // 2 : N * (N - 1)]
omegas = params[N * (N - 1):]
unitary = Unitary(N)(thetas, phis, omegas)
The full unitary learning tutorial can be found here, where starting from a randomly parametrized unitary, we learn the desired target unitary. I have also written a unitary learning tutorial without qgrad to juxtapose how gradient calculation involving parameterized unitaries becomes easier with qgrad.
Unitary matrices are also extremely crucial in quantum circuit learning routines. In this Circuit Learning tutorial, I show how a two-qubit parametrized circuit can be optimized using qgrad. Indeed, for circuit learning with qgrad, one has to define the JAX-compatible representation of quantum gates themselves. Say for rotation around the y-axis, $R_{Y}(\phi)$, one writes
def ry(phi):
"""Rotation around y-axis
phi (float): rotation angle
:obj:`jnp.ndarray`: Matrix
representing rotation around
the y-axis
return jnp.array([[jnp.cos(phi / 2), -jnp.sin(phi / 2)],
[jnp.sin(phi / 2), jnp.cos(phi / 2)]])
and this requires additional work from the user. However, qgrad never intended to be a full quantum circuit simulator, so understandably this would be a pain for qgrad users working with quantum circuits. Perhaps in future releases, circuit simulators might be one of our priorities, but the existing quantum machine learning libraries like Pennylane already do a great job at it.
I reckon that these tutorial examples shall serve
as a hook to encourage quantum developers and
quantum physcists alike to use qgrad
. The
existing tutorials just begin to show what
can be accomplished with qgrad
. I can’t
wait to see what exciting things you will develop
with this package.
What’s next?
GSoC 2020 concludes, and so does the first phase of
development. Looking
forward, the goal is now to fully integrate
QuTiP with an autodiff framework because qgrad
only provides a subset of quantum functions
available in QuTiP. Another possible direction
is to make tools to be able to differentiate
through the evolution of the Schrodinger’s equation.
While there are other small nice-to-haves, these
are the two major future directions for qgrad
I have detailed our future plans in this wiki called
Going forward: post-GSoC for qgrad.
’s development was supported by Google Summer of
Code, so firstly a huge shout out to Google for sponsoring
such projects and helping to keep the open-source scene
fueled up. My project, in particular, fell under
NUMFOCUS’s umbrella as part of QuTiP. I extend a token
of thanks to both of these organizations to
have given me this opportunity. Finally, I would thank
my mentors, Nathan Shammah
from Unitary Fund
and Shahanawaz Ahmed
from Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
for guiding
me throughout this project.